داستان آبیدیک

ministry of petroleum and energy


1 حقوق:: وزارت نفت و انرژی

Even while direct intervention of the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy in Statoil strategy has mostly disappeared, politicians continue to weigh in as though they were making policy for the company. The Ministry of industry (and later the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) had to walk the fine line of both supporting Statoil and containing it. Not all of the detailed arrangements associated with partial privatization were to Statoil's liking, demonstrating that the government (principally through the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy) In the first case, the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy on the advice of the NPD ruled in October 2007 to block further development of natural gas by Statoil from the Troll field on the grounds that such activity would likely harm the ultimate oil recovery from the field (Quinlan 2007).

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